Michigan Used Cooking Oil Collection & Biodiesel Production
Welcome to the web site for Thumb BioEnergy, Michigan’s premier biodiesel producer and used cooking oil collector throughout Michigan. As a service provider as well as a fuel manufacturer, we have a two-part process that comprises our business.

1. At Thumb BioEnergy, we provide restaurants with fast and responsive used cooking oil collection throughout Michigan. We excel in the biodiesel production field by being a local, Michigan-owned company that updates our collection routes daily to better serve our customers. We pay our used cooking oil customers on the spot after every collection and provide them with a weight ticket to show exactly how much oil we collected.

2. After we’ve collected used cooking oil it is taken to our production facility in Sandusky, Michigan where it is cleaned up and processed into Grade 1B Biodiesel to ASTM standards. Our recycled biodiesel is then sold throughout the Thumb of Michigan to various oil companies and farmer cooperatives.
Locally Produced Biofuels
- Reduce foreign oil dependency
- Protect our environment
- Create Local Jobs
Using Local Feedstocks
- Waste food and wastes from food processing
- Used cooking oil (UCO) from Michigan restaurants

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