Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide an exceptional used cooking oil collection service to our restaurant partners and to provide a high-quality biodiesel product to the local community.
Quality Policy
To ensure our customers have confidence they are receiving biodiesel which meets and exceeds ASTM D6751 standards every time.
Our Story
Thumb BioEnergy began collecting used cooking oil in 2009 to produce biodiesel for a sand and gravel company near Applegate, MI. It started out small, working its way to nearly 150 restaurants by 2011. Establishing restaurant partnerships was the main driving force to grow Thumb BioEnergy; more used cooking oil meant producing more biodiesel. As the company grew, it was time to move to a larger building which landed them into the industrial park in Sandusky, MI. In 2014, Thumb BioEnergy became certified as a BQ9000 Producer to show their commitment to providing high-quality biodiesel to the Thumb area and beyond. Thumb BioEnergy currently services over 800 restaurants in Michigan and continues to grow each year!